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contact us!Who we are

Tecnoyarn, was founded in 1986 from an intuition of the entrepreneur Carlo Bonini, a leading company in the supply of yarns in the Brescia hosiery district, a real worldwide production centre specialized in men’s socks fashion.
Today, more than 30 years after its foundation, Tecnoyarn stands out for the professionalism, skills and passion with which qualified and experienced team, grants quality yarns for customers.
Tecnoyarn offers a wide range of yarns in stock service always available for quick delivery in different counts and colours, intended for the weaving, knitting, hosiery and narrow weaving sectors, guaranteeing customers an extremely fast and efficient service.
Customized yarns with a high fashion content, developed in collaboration with the most important customers to meet their needs and turn them into growth opportunities.
Creativity, research and development of special and innovative yarns in terms of both performance and aesthetics.
Tecnoyarn’s commitment today is aimed at offering sustainable yarns, not only functional and recycled but also dyed with the utmost respect for the environment and with particular attention to solution dyes that allow and will allow in the future a great saving in consumption of water, energy and chemical substances.